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No introduction. Do you need to come up with a title for your blog post? Write an introduction! Be sure to include the blog post's topic and some of the benefits of reading it. As you write your first few sentences, think about how your first paragraph should be structured. Introductions typically include: A brief summary of the article, what you'll learn from reading it, and why it's worth learning those things. Review some other blog posts as examples to see how they use this recipe for success (e.g., "10 Terrific Uses for Cinnamon" or "Interesting Facts About Fish"). Bold and beautiful. Use short sentences. If you're writing, this is the time to use short, declarative sentences; long, long rambling sentences should be saved for after your post is published. This rule should also apply to your editing processes. Don't leave yourself open for the opportunities to make mistakes by leaving out words or change how you write based on what you want to say (reading one-word words like "however" or "in general" can be helpful hints). Images! Images are essential in posts that don't simply contain text. Consider using an image for your title and two other photos to enhance the readability of your blog post. CTA buttons, quotes, and even a video can also be essential for posts to drive traffic back to your website. Make sure the image you choose is relevant to your post – otherwise, it might distract your readers or confuse them about what to read first. Be a master of SEO. Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms, so getting a page on the first page of Google takes work. This means that you'll have to make sure what you write is relevant and unique for people searching for information on your topic. Proofread your article carefully before posting it on your blog, and make sure everything you write follows basic grammar rules (e.g., no one likes spelling errors). If you already have blog posts on your website, make sure that each post has a unique URL. This will allow you to place keywords in the URL that are relevant to the content of the post. Be specific and avoid filler words and phrases like "very," "really," and "so." Instead, use descriptors like: "Because," "In fact," and "Actually." If you're having trouble deciding on an idea for your blog post, do some keyword research on Google Trends or Twitter. Social Media is filled with people talking about what they want to know more about. Try searching for terms related to your business (e.g., tacos) and see what results appear in Google or Twitter's search box. Check your spelling and grammar! Read over your article after you've drafted it. That way, all of the facts and information that you want to present can be accurately consumed by others. Make sure everything is correct and in proper grammatical format before posting it online; otherwise, your readers will notice the errors. Copy-paste sentences from other sources in order to make sure what you're writing has a consistent tone and meaning. Be patient: It may take a little while for things to start getting read after posting to your blog. Readability formulas don't work when it comes to blogging; instead, find an effective strategy that works for YOU (and then improve upon that). cfa1e77820